
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Red House Museum (by Emma)

Rachel was asking us all weekend to go to a Museum, so today we treated her to two museums in Christchurch, both of which were free!!

The first was the Red House Museum which is a converted Work House with displays of Victorian lifestyle, archaeology and rotating exhibitions which at the moment is The Romans.

We didn't know whether it would be the right level for Rachel but it was perfect, we spent two hours and she loved every second. There were quizzes and colouring and tasks and loads of varying displays which caught her attention.

The archaeology displays was particularly great because she's doing a term on "the big dig" this summer at school and so she was thrilled to get a head start.

If you have an inquisitive child who loves to find out new facts then The Red House Museum is well worth a visit. Here are some photos we took.

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