I remember reading all the time as a child. I've heard other parents talk about their kids going off with a good book. But I never expected it to such an extent so early.
Rachel's been reading for over a year, reading to herself for pleasure for about half that time. She would read one book and then come to me and want it read aloud, perfect.
But this weekend it's really changed.
Suddenly she's not interested in sharing her books with us or having us read it back to her. Finally she's got the confidence to just read for joy. She has obviously got to that stage of reading where the understanding flows straight from the words without the need for thought.
It's a joy to behold. So joyful that I took photos over two hours yesterday.
Bible stories
Rainbow fairy book
I'm not sure what this is; perhaps a Winnie the pooh book.
It's lovely to see this new phase.
But it's also shown me that she's gaining more and more independence, and needing me less in some ways.
But I need not worry too much.
At the end of an exhausting afternoon of reading she still climbs onto me for a mummy cuddle xxx
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