1. Using acupuncture
Without this decision I do not believe I would have Rachel alive and well in my life. After three miscarriages I found acupuncture, for assistance with my infertility and mostly to keep Rachel safely in my womb as long as possible. Acupuncture worked for us, this is the best decision I ever made.
2. Accepting my 'reserve' university
Of course none if family life would be possible without Mike; my love, my rock, my friend. We met whilst we were both at university at the fabulous, now non existent, UMIST in Manchester. But that's not the decision. The decision was to not wait upon Nottingham Uni to see if they would offer me a university place on my 1point too few a-level results. The decision was to immediately ring Dr Bell at UMIST and ask if they'd accept me. Great decision that call!
3. Stepping back from the edge
I was low.
I was tempted.
I could have stepped forward.
But I stepped back from the edge.
Thanks God for helping me with this decision; I needed the help.
4. Going to therapy
The going the first time was the hardest. The admitting I needed some help was almost impossible. The sharing and working and growing was worth ever bead of sweat and drop of tears. My mental health, important decision.
5. starting my own business
And the fifth top decision; starting my own business in 2003. Here I am fresh faced back then. Who would have thought an upstart if a girl could have the gall to start her own business telling 50year old male civil engineers how to manage their projects. And the reason I value this decision; because of the opportunities it gave me to travel the world as an "expert" in my field.
What a great Listography to blog.
Emma Xxx
Rachel is now asking me if she can join in, in which case there might be a vlog later in the week as well. But for now I hope you've enjoyed.
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